About Us

Andree's Essential Soaps were created out of a personal necessity: to provide gentle cleansing with healthy natural cosmetics for my mom's dry, sensitive skin. After being treated for cancer, Parkinson's, and glaucoma, my mom's skin became easily irritated by the over-the-counter detergent, animal fat, petroleum-based soaps and moisturizers. An unproductive exhaustive search for products free of these irritants dictated my next action: Formulate and create what you cannot find.

Andree Terry has earned multiple degrees and been awarded numerous fields of certification from the University of Georgia and has studied the origin of cosmetics on site in Europe and Africa. In 2004 Andree was also diagnosed with cancer and now has first hand experience with skin changes that can occur during chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Andree is a featured speaker for lymphedema and cancer support groups and a frequent guest on television programs regarding women's health issues. Andree has also been featured in OnlineAthens.com. Click here to read what they had to say. For more testimonials, click here!

On January 1, 2022, Johnette Padgett Rodgers, a breast cancer survivor, became the new owner of ANDREE’S when Andree Terry retired. Andree has worked closely and trained Johnette on how to produce all the products she has crafted for well over 20 years. Andree will continue to consult with Johnette, so that the products that her customers love and depend on will continue to be available for her customers for years to come.

In addition to her shop in Athens, Georgia, Andree's Essential Soaps are recommended by and/or used by the following hospitals and cancer care centers:

Available Locations


Walter Reed Cancer Center   Washington, DC

Siskin Hospital Lymphedema Services, Chattanooga, TN

St. Mary's Breast Cancer Resource Center, Athens, GA

Athens Regional Medical Center Lymphedema Services, Athens, GA

Loran Smith Cancer Care Center, Athens, GA

Memorial Hospital, Chattanooga, TN

H Clay Evans Cancer Care Center at Memorial Hospital, Chattanooga, TN

Erlanger Hospital Breast Cancer Resource Center, Chattanooga, TN

Bee Global, Robbinsville, NC


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